2 lbs ground beef
2-3+ slices bread, shredded or chopped, dime size or smaller (dried bread is good here)
1-2 eggs, scrambled
½ onion, chopped
1-2 cloves garlic garlic, chopped (if desired)
¼ cup ketchup (more or less to taste)
a few tablespoons dried parsley (or fresh, chopped)
salt and pepper to taste

– Combine ingredients in large bowl.
– Mix well using hands but do not overwork meat (makes it tough).
– Form into loaf pan
– Spread ketchup over top, if desired
– Bake at 350’ F for about 30-60 minutes depending on thickness of meat until desired doneness in middle (150’ F internally is medium-well to well done after sitting for a few minutes out of the oven)

from Susan Blumenthal

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