
Single Double
2 lbs 5½ lbs Bread Flour
2¾ cups 5½ cups Water between 105-115º F
2 tsp 4 tsp Yeast
1/8 cup ¼ cup Sugar
½ Tbsp 1 Tbsp Salt
1½ Tbsp 3 Tbsp Olive Oil (optional)


  1. Mix sugar, salt, yeast, & water together. Add most of the flour and work, add the rest in slowly.
  2. Continue adding flour until dough does not stick to pan or hands. Dribble olive oil over dough and work in.
  3. When dough is ready cover a bowl and the dough in Crisco, also coat the loaf pans (thick).
  4. Place bowl in a warm oven, but make sure oven is off. Rise approximately one hour until doubled (or desired).
  5. Form loaves by tightening bread and squeezing until tight and round.
  6. Rub Crisco over top of loaf.
  7. Poke bread through at least four times for a small loaf and eight or so for a large loaf with a fork all the way to the bottom of pan.
  8. Let bread rise in warm (still off) oven until doubled. When bread is ready (approximately 1 hour) turn oven on to 350º allow bread to rise while oven preheats.
  9. Bread is baked in 30 minutes but bake up to one hour for crust thickness.

from John Wilkie

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