2½ cup flour
1 cup sugar
3½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp oil (avocado, coconut)
¾ cups milk
3-4 medium ripe bananas
1 egg
1 cup finely chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)

Preheat oven to 350°
1) Grease and flour the loaf pans or use baking cups for muffins.
2) In a mixer or by hand, mash bananas and mix in sugar, oil, milk, and egg.
2) Add flour, baking powder, and salt. Blend thoroughly, but do not over blend. Mix with fork about 1 minute or blend with mixer about 30 seconds – 1 minute.
3) Optional – Blend in nuts.
4) Pour into one large or 2 medium loaf pans.
5) Bake 50-55 minutes (until toothpick comes out clean).
6) Cool thoroughly before removing from pans.

A double recipe of this comes out well baked in 3 loaf pans.
One more banana can be added safely for more fruit flavor.
1 tsp of lemon juice added to wet ingredients can enhance the flavor.

Makes 1-2 loaves

from Jay Blumenthal

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