Makes: 5x 7-ounce Servings


123pint Raspberries and/or Blueberries, fresh
57 ½cups Heavy Cream
81624Egg Yolks
1cup Sugar
123pinch Salt
123tsp Vanilla
2*2*2*tsp Sugar for each Ramekin, carmelized


  • Preheat oven to 300° F.
  • Bring cream to simmer.
  • While heating, in a bowl, whisk egg yolks, sugar and salt until blended.
  • Slowly whisk in hot cream, then stir in vanilla extract.
  • Divide mixture among the ramekins, setting them in a deep baking pan or casserole dish.
  • Pour boiling water into the pan/dish around the ramekins to come half way up the outside of the ramekins.
  • Bake for 35-40 minutes, until set. DO NOT OVER BAKE.
  • Remove from the pan, cool, then chill thoroughly.
  • Before Serving: Sprinkle 2 tsp Sugar over each ramekin. Carmelize sugar with creme brulee torch. Garnish with raspberries on top.
  • NOTE: If you don’t have a creme brulee torch, you can put under the broiler to melt and carmelize the sugar. BE CAREFUL. It carmelizes quickly.

Updated by Erica from Williams Sonoma / Mastercook Series

For 1½ Recipes: 8+5 = 13 Egg Whites, 1 ½ pinch Salt, 1⅔ tsp Vanilla, other ingredients are easier to calculate.

Additional Note: 1 Egg White = 1½ oz = 2½ Tbsp

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