
1x 2x 4x
1 2 4 cup Almond flour (blanched & finely ground recommended)
¼ ½ 1 cup Coconut flour
1 2 4 Tbsp Swerve or Monk Sweet (or any sweetener of choice)
1 2 4 tsp Gluten-free baking powder
¼ ½ 1 tsp Sea salt (optional, but recommended)
5 10 20 large Eggs
1⅓ cup Unsweetened almond milk (or any milk of choice; may need more – see instructions)
¾ cup Avocado oil (or any neutral tasting oil that is liquid at room temperature)
3 6 tsp Vanilla extract (optional, but recommended)

– Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl until smooth. (Batter should be the consistency of typical pancake batter. If it’s too thick, add a little more milk. Don’t add too much, or the pancakes will be too “wet”.)
– Preheat an electric griddle (sprayed with spray on coconut oil) or oiled pan* on the stove over medium-low to medium heat.
– Drop the batter in ⅛ cup / 2 Tbsp measures onto the hot pan and form into circles.
– If using a oiled pan, cover and cook about 1.5-2 minutes, until bubbles start to form. Flip and cook another 1.5-2 minutes, until browned on the other side. Repeat with the rest of the batter.

Yield 3-4 Waffles

From: Wholesome Yum

*For better flavor without risk of burning (regular butter), fry the pancakes in ghee (clarified butter). We use spray-on coconut oil. Otherwise, avocado oil is a great oil to use with neutral taste.

Make sure you have blanched, finely ground almond flour. The pancakes will be gritty if you use almond meal, ground almonds, or any other type.

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